What are Scalar Waves?

Scalar waves or scalar fields are well known in astrophysics, geology and hydrodynamics. While most attribute their discovery to James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), it was the young Croatian-born Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) who expanded Maxwell's original theories into what is now known as Scalar Wave Technology.

A scalar field is a fifth-dimensional, non-linear field. It exists outside of relative time and space, thus does not decay over time or distance from its source. These scalar waves are unbounded and capable of passing through solid matter. Instead of running along wires or in beams, they tend to weave or fill their environment, often referred to interchangeably as fields or waves.

The room which houses the systems becomes filled with this beautiful energy field - and this is the field you will be relaxing in when visiting Rejuvin8. The human body has crystalline structures in every cell wall that can hold a charge - ideally 70-90 millivolts. When the human body enters a scalar field, the electromagnetic field of the individual becomes excited, charging the energy levels of our human cells.

The EESystem uses scalar technology to return the body to a more original and appropriate electrical matrix. The EESystem has been clinically studied by multiple third-party individuals. These studies have provided evidence of the potential of bio-scalar energy to boost human cell regeneration, immune functions, and neurotransmitter functions. It can help eliminate and nullify effects of disruptive frequencies in the body while optimizing cellular energy levels to 70-90 millivolts (mV).

Healthy cells have 70-90 mV, cells resisting disease and promoting self-healing.
Colds and flu have cell volts around 35 mV.
Cancer patients have cell volts ranging around <20 mV.

This means that EESystem can significantly increase your energy, mental clarity, enhanced health, and overall well-being, promoting the body to heal itself with the right energy.

Photons are the smallest possible particles of electromagnetic energy and therefore also the smallest possible particles of light. Photons can travel at the speed of light because they have no mass. Photons also have no charge and represent the entire spectrum of electromagnetic radiation.

The EESystem creates a coherent field of biophotons (light) and scalar waves (frequency) where the cells of the body receive an energetic charge. This, in turn, creates the optimal environment for the body to heal and thrive!

Learn more from EESystem website
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The Cell and Energy Structure

Cells are the foundation of the human body, and they communicate constantly with each other.

They create our organs, enable us to function, breathe, regenerate, heal and stay in balance. All this happens naturally, and we can make tremendous changes in our lives when we learn how to tap into and understand this power.

At Rejuvin8, we want to help people to connect to consciousness and wellness, and to understand their physical and energetic body better. When you have knowledge and wisdom, you can empower yourself and take charge of your life. You become the creator of your reality, which is a fun and exciting place to be!

Our passion is helping you identify and clear any blockages in your life and body and teaching you how to transform them. We all face difficulties and emotional wounds in our lives, and we all react differently to them depending on our individuality.

These emotional experiences are stored in the subconscious layer of our energy system. If we do not change these energy blocks or limiting beliefs, they can lead to various health issues later in our life.

Western medicines are designed to mask pain, while energy medicine looks and listens to what the body is telling and showing us and addresses/transforms these conditions at the root of the problem. When we let go of stress and emotional baggage, this improves our overall wellbeing and allows healing to happen faster on all levels of our being.

How can it enhance my health and wellbeing?

The EESystem screens, moving with constantly changing, colorful data patterns, emit light particles (photons) which collide with each other. This excites the water particles in the atmosphere of the room and within our bodies. The cells beneath the skin absorb the light energy, similarly to the way plants absorb sunshine, contributing to increased circulation, cellular metabolism and activation of the body's natural healing response.

One of the many important functions of the system is its ability to aid in the cellular production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy required for cellular repair and regeneration. The energies created by the EESystem also neutralize harmful electromagnetic frequencies. Our bodies are constantly being bombarded by harmful frequencies radiating from telephone, electrical, cellular towers, microwaves, screens, and other technologies. These frequencies disturb the natural balance, voltage, and functioning of our bodies down to the cellular and even DNA levels, causing various kinds of damage.

Research has shown that exposure to scalar fields can help neutralize these harmful, man-made electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) and help repair the damaged DNA by clearing out toxic debris, rendering cells more flexible, promoting vital nutrient absorption and hydration, and aiding in flushing toxins from the cells.
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Detoxifying organs and functions

In addition to harmful frequencies, our body is also regularly bombarded by chemical, biological, and other toxins that are bio-accumulative, meaning they remain trapped in our fatty tissues.

This causes a toxic environment in the body which also contributes to decreased cellular activity and energy. When you sit in an EESystem session, these good energies move through the cell's structure, exciting and recharging it.

A recharged cell will release toxins into the bloodstream which can then be released through detoxification. When the body begins to hold higher energy levels (or frequencies), it can begin to 'clean house' and function optimally. It’s important to drink plenty of water and do several detox procedures after every session to help your body rid the toxins released.